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Matura 2016 z angielskiego [PYTANIA i ODPOWIEDZI]

Matura 2016. Zespół Szkół nr 1 w Tychach
Matura 2016. Zespół Szkół nr 1 w Tychach Witold Naglik
Matura 2016 z angielskiego. Oto pytania i odpowiedzi, które przygotował specjalnie dla nas Wojciech Szweda, nauczyciel języka angielskiego w Zespole Szkół nr 1 w Tychach.

Egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiego, 6 maja 2016r. POZIOM PODSTAWOWY

Zadania 1,2 i 3 – w oparciu o nagrania.
Zadanie 4:
4.1. E. Making you feel like a celebrity
“Companies want to make us think…”
4.2. F. Improving the looks of products
“Companies do their best…”
4.3. A. Making you hurry
“A lot of commercials are designed…”
4.4. C. Making you believe that you spend less
“Another way of increasing sales…”

Zadanie 5:
5.1. Tekst 1 (Keith’s Post) C. (a problem with a return journey)
5.2. Tekst 2 (Kate’s letter) A. (to express dissatisfaction with her stay at a hotel)
5.3. Tekst 3 (At the Railway Station) B. (he wanted to offer Harry his help with the luggage)

Zadanie 6:
6.1. The five teenagers met at Copco Lake in 1982 to… A. get some rest before starting their studies.
6.2 Which sentence is TRUE? … D. It was Mark’s idea to take a similar photo every five years.
6.3. How does the latest picture differ from the first one? … B. The men are all wearing T-shirts.
6.4. What once made it difficult for Brian to come to Copco Lake? … D. He had to change his travel arrangements.
6.5 The best title for the text would be … C. A way to keep friendship alive.

Zadanie 7:
7.1. C “Instead, the boy preferred shooting homemade films with an 8 mm camera.”
7.2. E “Steven showed up dressed elegantly, carrying his father’s briefcase.”
7.3. A “One day he found an empty office and decided to occupy it.”

Zadanie 8:
8.1. C other
8.2. B be allowed
8.3. B move
8.4. C Although
8.5. C miss

Zadanie 9:
9.1. A Have you been running?
9.2. B How about meeting tomorrow?
9.3. A I don’t know how to get him interested in history.
9.4. C Will you allow me (…)?
9.5. B I couldn’t do anything about it.

Zadanie 10:
Przykładowa odpowiedź:
Hi Susan,
My school friends and I can’t wait for our exchange trip. We have spent a lot of time preparing our show. It’s almost ready
® opisz występ artystyczny, który przygotowaliście na tę okazję
It’s a drama based on classical Polish literature. We used characters from different novels in one play to show our country’s culture. It’s not very long, but all the actors have to speak English.
® przedstaw swoje obawy związane z występem
I’m a bit nervous about my performance. I haven’t been practising enough and I keep forgetting my lines. I hope it will all end up well.
® poinformuj, co kupiłeś(-aś) w związku z wyjazdem i wyjaśnij dlaczego
I’ve bought a new camera to take high definition photos during our exchange trip. I don’t want to miss any details of our stay in such a beautiful country.
® napisz, jak zamierzasz spędzać czas wolny w trakcie pobytu za granicą.
I’m going to spend my free time there sightseeing and taking photos. I would also like to taste the local cuisine.

Zobacz więcej:
Matura 2016 angielski [arkusze PDF, klucz ODPOWIEDZI] - podstawowy

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